The Cascade Bouquet

The Cascade Bouquet

“It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.”
— Anna Wintour

Autumnal free-form cascade style bouquet designed by Jennifer Schuitema, WSFloral

Beautiful cascade bouquet with lots of length for lots of drama. Designed by Jennifer Schuitema, WSFloral

It seems to be the perfect timing for cascade bouquets. The 2022 and 2023 wedding seasons have paved the way for the cascade bouquet to take center stage in 2024. It’s lovely to see the style of Princess Diana, Mariah Carey, and Topanga making a resurgence.

All the pastels in this cascade bouquet in a lengthened teardrop style. Designed by Jennifer Schuitema, WSFloral

We love the cascade bouquet style for it’s amazing ability to show off every single flower included in the design, and the drama its length creates.

Even with the cascade style there’s a range of designs, from a tighter teardrop to a cathedral length to a more organic, free-flow.

We’re finding that the cascade bouquet is gaining universal appeal right now, from brides that have chosen a traditional church wedding to outdoor garden style brides to rustic barn weddings.

The modern bride is making the cascade bouquet style fit their vibe, color palette, and flower selection.

All the cascade bouquets featured in this post were designed by WSF over the last few years. They demonstrate the range in color, flower selection, design, and versatility that the cascade style can offer the modern bride.

Garden style cascade bouquet with blush and pink local favorites. Designed by Jennifer Schuitema, WSFloral

Shades of lavender and purple in this traditional cascade bouquet. Designed by Jennifer Schuitema, WSFloral

Distinctive modern style cascade bouquet of calla lilies, ranunculus, and garden roses with a selection of unique greenery.

Full size calla lilies designed in a cascade bouquet. Designed by Jennifer Schuitema, WSFloral

Bright colors abound in this cascade style bridal bouquet designed by Jennifer Schuitema, WSFloral. Professional photography by The Wild Phern Photography

Late summer cascade bouquet with sunflowers, dahlias, delphinium, and greenery. Professional photography by Birch & Belle Photography.

Formal cascade bouquet with pale pink roses, fresh cut lavender, larkspur blossoms, and a variety of eucalyptus. Designed by Jennifer Schuitema, WSFloral

Blush and Burgundy with a fall vibe, designed in a cascade style bouquet. Designed by Jennifer Schuitema, WSFloral

Hand-tied Cascade Bouquet designed by Jennifer Schuitema with Events by WSFloral. Photography by MSMP Media LLC

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